Monday 1 September 2014

Penang Delta Eco Night Run 2014

This is my second year participating in the Penang Eco night run at Penang Youth Park. I like this run even though it is only 8 km because it is near my time-sharing hotel that is Georgetown City hotel. It is just 3.7 km away from the starting point by car via google map. The events did not attract a big crowds and most participants are local and very few senior veteran runners like me. The run was flagged off exactly at 8.30 pm in front of the stage at the Youth Park without the warming up exercise as promised. I queued up almost at the end of the line and could only walk and jog slowly while the crowds moved along the narrow track in the park to the main road. After running perhaps 4 km along the main road and residential area roads , we came to the Penang Botanical Garden and completed one round in the garden's slightly hilly track before we proceeded back to the finishing line in the Youth park 2 km away. The running track this year was  a bit different from last year because we ran three rounds in the Botanical Garden  in 2013 and the slope can be quite taxing for some who could be heard puffing and huffing away. Besides that, we had to collect rubber bend after completing each round and when the participants rushed and pushed to get the rubber bends, the scene  really turned very chaotic. Perhaps this explained  why the organiser changed the course this year. This year's run is more relaxing and I could finished the run within 50 minutes judging from my wrist watch. The only place where I started to walk was while going up the slope and the rest of the journey was running. The actual timing of my run will only be known after the result from my timing chip is released.

completed 8 km run in roughly 50 minutes

Going all out to get her first medal for this event

This year event is not as gland as last year because there is almost nothing up the stage before and after the race. There is less sponsors for drinks because there is only one water station at the middle of the course. The quiet and unexcited atmosphere at the venue could be due to the fact that too many running events are organised in Penang recenly and organisers are unable to sponsor all the events. We did not wait to see the prize giving ceremony as there is no entertainment events while waiting for all the runners to return.
We headed toward the hawkers centre along Burma Road near my hotel to have the famous Penang " Sou wo fun". This is my first time eating at this Hawkers centre and the " Sou Wo Fun" here is just ordinary. We went back to our hotel to rest after that and only came out of our room when we wanted to check out from the hotel the next day. After checking out, We went to the new Gurney Paragon Mall to have some shopping. I just parked my car at the residential area behind my hotel and walked about 50 metres to the Mall. A very modern mall and you could just shop for anything here. There are also balconies at higher floors where we can feel the sea breeze from the Strait of Penang and have a nice and panoramic view of the waves moving toward Gurney drive.    

At the upper floor 's Balcony of Gurney Paragon Mall 

The twin towers of Penang as seen from the Balcony of Gurney Paragon Mall 

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