Thursday 11 August 2016

KL Standard Chartered Marathon 2016

Before the flag-off of the full marathon

I had run  two half marathons in KL Standard Chartered Marathon but never dare to register for full marathon because its cut-off time of 6 hours is out of my reach.  My PB for my 3 full marathons so far is only 6 hours 55 minutes. I do not know why the KL Standard Chartered Marathon's organizer decided to increase the cut-off time to 7 hours but it definitely is trying to attract more runners into running the full marathon . So I registered for the full marathon this time but it is no easy task as there is cut-off time for different stages of the run.
I did not practise much for the full marathon and the last time I ran 42.195km was two years ago in Penang Bridge International Marathon. I was unable to train because I have Achilles Tendonitis which just refuse to go away even until the day of KL Standard Chartered Marathon. But, I gave it a try by wearing an ankle guard but I had the thinking that I would most probably reach the finishing point by the organizer's bus. Four of us in the family took part in the marathon and I am the only one doing the full marathon. The rest were just running 10 km because they did not want to be deprived of their sleep. 
Running for 10 km together

10 km race with a poor time of 1 hour 23 minutes

The full Marathon was flagged off at 4.00am but I only crossed the starting point where my timing chip was tagged almost 6 minutes later. I took off slowly and maintained that speed enduring the slight pain from the heel. If not because of the ankle guard the pain will be more severe. When I stopped at the first water station after 5 km I felt a sudden pain at my right ankle and I decided I should not stop completely while trying to hydrate myself at water station, So I imitated the professional Kenyan runner who just slowed down and snatched a cup of water and then continued with their run. It really worked and I did not suffer much pain while trying to a get my drink at water station. I carried with me three energy bars and took a bite every 5 km but fatigue still crept into me after 16 km and I almost thought of giving out. My legs refused and kept going forward. The fatigue was due to insufficient energy input , so I took a bite of the energy bar every 4 km. After 21 km I suddenly found myself full of energy and could run a bit faster and overtook other runners. 
I took off my ankle guard after half way through as it was pressing too hard on top of leg producing unbearable pain. I also applied muscle pain relieving cream on my shoulders and legs. The burning sensation of the cream really helped me to keep going. At first I was able to run together with the 6:00 hours pacers but finally I was only able to trail behind the 7:00 hours pacers. I followed them from about 33 km mark until the finishing line. My credit went to the 7:00 hours pacers for motivating me to cross the 37 km cut-off point in time. The final two hours of the race was really a test of endurance because the sun had come out and there were few km of down-the-slope running. I could run faster and less tiring going downhill but the my toes suffered. That explained why I had swollen toes after the race.It is really a miracle that I could speed about 50 meters to the finishing line and completed my full marathon with a PB of 6 hours and 53 minutes. I felt blessed that I could complete the full marathon even though I am still having pain at my Achilles and have hardly train. The reason should be my strong desire to complete the race within 7 hours and with help of the 7:00 hours pacers that really made my mission much easier. In actual fact my strong desire and determination to succeed in this full marathon was mainly due to the motto of the marathon , that is run with a reason. My reason was to complete a 42.195 km run within 7 hours which will be my special dedication to my late father who had passed away not long ago. I could feel the pain at my toes on both legs and the top part of my right leg but I was jubilated as I had accomplished my mission. 


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